to decrease the size of complex figures,
whose remote reading time is likely to be too
some figures exceed100 Kb which is
neraly the size of the code. After compression, their size goes
down below 10 Kb
compression of an isolated
figure <PARAM NAME="file
" VALUE=" ">
it is enough to use a traditional
compressor on Windows like the shareware WinZip (or ZipIt under
MacOS) with standrd compression method as
compression is known of CabriJava, as
soon as the name of the figure has as a suffix .zip or
be aware of naming the zipped file with
the same name of the compressed figure (here
compression of a series of
figures gathered in a archive <PARAM
NAME="zipfile " VALUE=" ">
<PARAM NAME="file " VALUE="Pascal.fig ">
several figures can be gathered in only
one archive of figures compressed in zip
be care, in the current version beta of
CabriJava, this file will be read again with each figure
(problem unsolved of several direct reading instead of using
the Web cache in which the zipped file is already